

這篇我主要是focus在如何寫個人陳述,用於申請研究所的 :)



我個人英文能力有限,所以不是很完全專注的在寫Personal Statement






像我個人只寫了550~560個字之間... 我就掰不下去了=_=

記得當時寫Personal Statement 也沒花太多時間,兩個禮拜內撰寫和修改即可完成!









Personal Statement

I am XX Chen, born in 19XX in Taiwan, an area that has long been known for the diligence of its people. I am writing this letter in the hope ofstudying the ___ MSc programme offered at your university because I am interested in airport and airlines industry. If I have the honor to go to your university, I will treasure the learning opportunity and work hard to improve myself. I believe a meaningful life should be all about aiming high and working hard to reach that aim. Especially, I would like to pursue a career in this field. I think I can gain a lot of advanced knowledge in this field at your university where I will do more study and exploration.

第一段〈大綱〉- 先介紹自己,還有要申請的科系,順便附帶一提說你很喜歡這科系和這個學校,未來可能的打算。


I graduated from ___ University, majored in Aviation and Maritime Transportation Management. In fact, my majored in Management Economics as a freshman. However, I changed my university and major to study air transport because I found I am interested in that field. Fortunately, my choice was right. I enjoy studying such subject as theory of flight, aviation law and transportation etc. Actually, I am seeking further education in the United Kingdom.

第二段〈大學背景〉- 大學所讀的專業,在大一曾經轉學過也提一下(因為我的成績單上沒有我大一的成績,這是小問題,告知一下即可)。


Studying a master is a new trend in my country, and almost all young people want to get a higher degree as well. One of the reasons why I want to study in a university of United of Kingdom is the possibility to improve my English skills going together with the knowledge of aviation I will study in the degree. Secondly, UK has a great reputation in the world university ranking providing high quality education and cultivating international perspective which will help me to build a better career. Thus, I would become to an Air Traffic Controller in the future. Besides, I love to travel other countries by air. I have been to Europe, America, Japan, China, Australia, and Singapore. I think that experience is why I want to study aviation, because I always feel good as a traveler in an airport. Every flight is a brilliant experience, and I want it could become a part of study in my life.

第三段〈讀書計畫〉- 說明想繼續升學的動機,可能是想增進外語能力或許是想加強自己的專業能力。也附帶一提未來想要從事的領域是關於什麼的,還有為什麼。


During my time at University, I had English conversation lessons to improve my communication skill. And, I always used the WORD and Power Point to finish my term paper and all my presentations. I have also been actively involved with competition in school. I have won a prize of the competition of English introduction lecture and internship report lecture. During the summer vacation, I worked at Aviation Training Institute in the July 1st -August 31st 2010, and Tainan Airport in the July 1st -August 31st 2011 when I was an intern student. I learned deal with document filing and how to get along with people. That was a great experience in my student life.

第四段〈大學經歷〉- 這段我放了我在大學生活的主要事件,包括校內競賽得獎,還有暑期實習的經驗。



With anticipation and excitement, I am now applying for your graduate programme in ___, which will help me to continue my MCs study in ___ University. As a student, I have achieved excellence in my undergraduate study, and I am sure that I will achieve no less in my postgraduate life in ___ University. I believe I could realize my dream here, and sincerely ask you to consider my application favorably. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

最後一段〈收尾〉- 語氣帶愉快又興奮的說明你已經準備好了! 你很想很想很想進入這間你心目中的學校。


Yours Sincerely,


XX Chen

November 8th 2012





眼尖的朋友應該不難看出來我每一個段落都在拍馬屁,不光是說學校好,就是說英國的大學擁有好名聲 XD

除了拍學校馬屁外,寫PS主要還要知道自己有什麼優勢,然後努力地去誇大它 ((暫時的不要臉一下 :P )



1. 編排WORD的細節也要稍稍注意,例如頁碼要顯示在下方、左右對齊、行距與段落間距字體樣式(工整的字體)


2. 最後記得要把WORD檔轉成PDF檔,這樣要顯得正式的多很多!!


我個人做東西比較吹毛求疵,很在乎美感 :P

祝福大家都可以寫出驚為天人的Personal statement 唷~





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